Study says coffee is the ultimate stimulant (obviously)
Coffee TalkWhat’s the first thing you do when you open your eyes?
If you’re answer is “chug a mug full of coffee as fast as humanly possible”, you’ve come to the right place. Your daily coffee routine is more than just a beverage; it’s a ritual, a moment of solace, and a gentle nudge in the a$$ that helps you get your day started. It gives you the energy and serenity to take on whatever BS the universe decides to throw at you that day. We can all agree that coffee is the superior way to wake you up in the morning, but is the caffeine to thank for the extra jolt, or is there more to it than that?
The Need For Caffeine
If you ask any sane person, they will tell you that they need a cup of coffee to help them wake up every morning. A group of researchers in Portugal recently set out to explore this phenomenon, asking is caffeine solely responsible for feeling more alert, or is there other parts of the ritual (taste, smell), that are to thank for the energetic feelings?
The Study
The researchers recruited 83 people who drank at least one cup of coffee a day (amateurs) who underwent MRI brain scans to observe the participants’ brain activity. Out of these people 47 were scanned before their morning cup of joe, and then again 30 minutes after they had a cup. The other 36 unlucky ones were given caffeine diluted in hot water (appetizing, right?) and underwent the same MRI scans after consuming.
The Findings
The MRI scans revealed that both groups – those who got to drink the sweet, sweet nectar and those who didn’t – had decreased activity in a part of the brain that puts people into a resting state. There was a difference however in the coffee drinkers’ scans. The MRI showed increased activity in parts of the brain involved in short-term memory, attention, and focus, whereas ingesting caffeine solo did not. This allowed the researchers to theorize that the smell, sight, and or taste of coffee may help people feel more alert, regardless of caffeine content. So, in short, we are all a bunch of posers.
Basically, this study only reconfirmed what we all already know. Coffee is the superior form of caffeine and has special powers to make you feel even more alert than other caffeinated beverages. Plus, it’s good for you, so it’s a win – win.
Who knew that your morning jolt could be so inundated?
[Featured Image Source: Joyce Hankins via Unsplash]