5 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues
When did it suddenly become okay for us to consistently feel as if we’re running around with crippled nerves, at our wit’s end with a never-ending to-do list? We’ve got our jobs, our hobbies, toss in some friend and family time and it’s easy to understand why stress is at an all-time high. Friday finally comes around to a relieving sense of relaxation for the next couple of days ahead, only for it to be swept away briskly, back to the day everyone dreads the most: Monday.
You’re not alone. For so many of us, stress can take over, knocking us right on our asses. But let's face it, sometimes life has to knock us down in order to make us realize that change is in order. The days, months, years and hours will pass by, but they don’t have to slip through our fingers quite so fast. The good news is that there are things you can do to cut stress from your life and help welcome Mondays a little easier.
Make the most out of your week not JUST your weekend:
As soon as the days get shorter and the weather colder, our social calendars tend to all but disappear. It’s so tempting to cuddle up indoors near the fire with a cozy blanket and cut off all communication to the outside world. That human connection, however, is so vital to our everyday life. Think about it, how much better do you feel after laughing with someone? Spending time with friends and family will get rid of the possibility of a week gone to waste. Try to plan something fun during the week, like going out to dinner with a few friends so you can spread out the joy and look forward to something more than just Saturday and Sunday.
Don’t sleep in:
We know, we know. That’s the point of the weekend, right? We're all guilty of this one a time or two (or three or four), but if you stick to the same schedule as the rest of your week, you’re more likely to wake up feeling more revived and rested instead of like you’re going to punch someone in the face if you don’t get a cup of coffee STAT.
Get your morning on a roll with some good tunes:
Crank that stereo and start getting ready. Good tunes are proven to boost our mood and get us pumped for whatever lies ahead of us. So crank that playlist specifically on Monday mornings to really get you going.
Change your career:
Here's a thought, perhaps it's not Mondays you hate, it’s your job. Try something that makes you want to get out of bed. Explore your options. Change can be a good thing.
Lastly, treat yo’self:
Make Mondays rewarding. Buy that latte, buy those shoes, indulge in that cinnamon bun, have sex (just don’t do it in the office.) In short, make Mondays your b!*ch.