5 Ways to Reuse Your Coffee Grounds
LifestyleCreative Uses for Used Coffee Grounds
If you love to brew your favorite coffee every day, your cup is one of almost 2 billion being consumed—and enjoyed—every day around the globe, according to World Economic Forum.
That caffeinated jolt you salivate over is the no-brainer upside you get from grabbing that mug full of robust flavors. But now those people who love strong coffee are taking note of the other ways that coffee grounds can help with the daily grind around the house.
Here are 5 smart (and simple) ways to give another purpose to your used coffee grounds:
1. Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer
Grab the used grounds from the coffee machine or break open the single-serve pods—it doesn’t matter where the coffee grounds come from. One of the best-known methods of reusing those coffee grounds is to periodically add the grounds to soil and around acid-loving plants like roses, azaleas, blueberries and other flowers. (They work wonders for growing mushrooms, too!) The coffee odor will act as a repellent for those pesky insects, too. Reusing coffee grounds is a cheap—and natural—option compared to buying commercialized fertilizers. You will also be helping your community become greener and more sustainable.
[Photo Credit: Sandie Clarke via Unsplash]
2. Coffee Grounds in Compost
Since coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, certain plants will benefit, beneficial worms will be attracted to the pile, and some annoying insects like ants, slugs and snails will stay away from the coffee odor, which benefits the compost heap, too. Just don’t overdo the coffee—too much nitrogen can throw off the balance and become harmful to some plants.
[Photo Credit: Alexx Cooper via Unsplash]
3. Coffee Grounds as Home Cleaning Agents
Reusing your coffee grounds can also offer plenty of natural ingredients to cleaning products AND help you save money, according to Healthline. For one, coffee grounds can be a fantastic and natural way to get rid of odors in your home. Place some grounds in the refrigerator, freezer or even the trash to combat nasty stenches. You can also use the grounds to get a garlic and onion smell off your hands.
Because the grounds are abrasive (even more than baking soda), they’re also perfect for scouring pots and pans or even grease and gunk on the counter, too. They will stain some surfaces, so be careful using grounds on white porcelain or tile grout.
4. Coffee Grounds as Beauty Products
Cellulite beware! You can find coffee as an ingredient in so many beauty products, and when applied topically, it may help break down fat and increase blood flow, ultimately decreasing the appearance of cellulite. You can also use used coffee grounds as an aromatic exfoliant for your face and body that is great for skin and prevents aging. Do you have under-eye circles and puffiness? Treat both problem areas with coffee grounds because they are high in antioxidants and work as an anti-inflammatory.
Also, applying caffeine to the skin increases blood flow and can accelerate hair growth. If you already have a luscious mop of hair, those same grounds can be used to clean your hair, too. By rubbing coffee grounds into your hair, residues of styling products can be lessened and removed, as well as dead skin cells left behind.
[Photo Credit: Engin Akyurt via Unsplash]
5. Coffee Grounds for Pet Care
Coffee grounds and your pets—quite a strange combination, you may be thinking. But you can use those used grounds before you give your pet a bath. Just rub the grounds on your furry friend before washing. The ground coffee will help control fleas and work as a great exfoliator for their skin too.
[Photo Credit: Darren Richardson via Unsplash]
So instead of tossing the leftovers in the trash and wasting a resource that has many uses—besides the tastebud satisfaction and high-caffeine kick, with just a little creativity, your reused coffee grounds can be a real perk around the house.
[Featured Image Credit: Janko Ferlič via Unsplash]
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