How does caffeine affect hormones?
LifestyleYour first coffee in the morning could be affecting your cortisol levels.
If you spend any time on social media, there’s no doubt you’ve seen ads and posts about controlling cortisol levels and how it could be affecting your day-to-day life. It’s the latest wellness trend that seems to be occupying our minds, and you may be thinking, “How does my morning cup of coffee play into my cortisol levels?”
You don’t need to reach for a supplement to help control your cortisol levels, and there are steps you can take if you think caffeine is affecting your hormones.
In this blog, we’ll review how coffee can affect your cortisol levels and what you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your mug. Because let’s face it, NOT drinking coffee is never an option (unless your doctor tells you otherwise, in which case, please listen to them and not a random blogger).
How is coffee connected to hormones?
Caffeine is linked to changes in hormonal levels in both men and women, but it’s important to note that correlation does not equal causation, and its impact varies widely depending on gender, racial groups and your individual hormones. It’s also important to note that caffeine’s effect on hormones has not been widely studied like it has for heart health, brain health and overall health in general.
Observational studies find an association between caffeine intake and changing hormone levels. This means there’s a link, but not proof that caffeine CAUSES a change in your hormones. Hormone levels are affected by a number of variables — including diet, exercise, sleep and supplement use.
Coffee may affect the following hormones:
- Cortisol
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Thyroid
- Dopamine
- Oxytocin

Caffeine’s relationship with cortisol
Caffeine consumption appears to increase cortisol, your body’s response to stress, especially when combined with other stressors. Cortisol increases excess sugar in the bloodstream and enhances the brain’s use of sugar. This could lead to an increased heart rate and trigger your “fight or flight” response in your brain. Since caffeine keeps you awake by stimulating your nervous system and blocking adenosine (which helps you feel sleepy at bedtime) it can increase levels of cortisol in your body.
In the short term, cortisol is good — it helps you react quickly to perceived danger (i.e. fighting a bear… or receiving a work email) but if chronic stress is present, cortisol can remain elevated for too long. Caffeine increases cortisol levels, and this influence may be even more accentuated if significant stressors are present. This could be why you feel jittery after a cup of your morning coffee if you’re having a stressful day.
When your cortisol levels are high for too long, you may be prone to:
- Weight gain (Particularly around face and abdomen)
- Muscle weakness
- High blood pressure
- Increased blood sugar levels
- Anxiety
- Decreased ability to concentrate
Some studies show that if you drink coffee regularly, you’ll have less of a cortisol response vs. someone who never drinks caffeine, most likely because you’ve built up your sensitivity to caffeine. Caffeine can also exacerbate a stressful situation, so it’s important to pay attention to how your body is feeling after a cup of coffee.
Tips to make your coffee work better for you (your hormones will thank you!)
In addition to healthy lifestyle choices like maintaining a healthy diet, exercise regimen and sleep routine, there are additional tips to make sure your coffee isn’t affecting your cortisol for the worse. Here’s what you can do to balance it out:
Limit your caffeine intake
Pains me to say it — but if you’re feeling anxious after your morning cup of coffee, you may need to cut back. Consider drinking one to two cups of coffee per day and stopping there and avoid drinking coffee after 2 P.M. to prevent disrupting your circadian rhythm.
Avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach
This is a big one — drinking coffee on an empty stomach isn’t necessarily bad for you, but it can trigger a hormonal response that causes coffee jitters or feelings of anxiety. Coffee on an empty stomach could also trigger digestive issues and indigestion, as well.
Foods that are helpful with cortisol regulation include oatmeal, Greek yogurt with fruit and seeds, and eggs with spinach and avocado.

Change the time you drink coffee
Cortisol levels naturally start to dip between 9:30 AM and 11 AM, so consider waiting until then (even better if it’s after breakfast!) to consume your first cup of coffee. In general, consider waiting to have your first cup of coffee until about an hour or two after waking up.
Overall, while the link between caffeine and hormones is understudied, there are steps you can take to make sure your coffee is working right for you. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise and sleep routine, and drink coffee in moderation. If you have questions about how caffeine may be affecting any of your hormones, please consult a medical provider.
[Featured Image Source: Aga Putra via Unsplash]