Does Iced Coffee Cause Anxiety?
LifestyleThe Truth About Anxiety and Coffee.
Let’s face it – there's nothing more refreshing than a nice cool glass of iced coffee on a hot summer's day. The icy temperature mixed with the smooth taste of coffee can make anyone want to down 20 glasses a day. As they say – too much of anything is never a good thing – and in this case can lead to increased symptoms of anxiety.
Everyone who struggles with self-control knows the feeling of post-coffee jitters. Sometimes a little indulgence during your coffee break can come back to bite. This is because coffee is a psychoactive drug, which as research shows, can enhance the effects of or even cause several stress-related symptoms.
According to the smarty pants from Harvard Medical School, excessive caffeine consumption can mimic anxiety symptoms. These symptoms can include:
- Nervousness
- Restlessness
- Trouble sleeping
- Fast heart rate
- Gastrointestinal problems
Does Iced Coffee Cause Increased Anxiety?
A common myth is that iced coffee causes more of these jittery symptoms than hot coffee. While this may be true, it is not for the reasons you may be thinking.
Technically, there is nothing structurally different in iced coffee over hot, especially if you tend to make your iced coffee at home and use the same grind that you typically use for hot coffee. In this case, the caffeine content should be the exact same. So why do you tend to feel more on edge when you drink iced coffee over hot?
The answer is as simple as this: iced coffee is easier to drink. The icy beverage can remind you of water, which may lead to you chugging it and regretting it later. Iced coffee is also often less acidic than hot coffee, which can also lead to you consuming it faster than normal. The more coffee you drink = the more anxiety-like symptoms you may experience.

How To Get Rid Of Caffeine Jitters:
There are a few quick ways to get rid of your coffee jitters, because ain’t nobody got time for that.
1. Water
An effective way to get rid of your jitters is to flush out your system with water. Drinking water will decrease the effects of caffeine in a relatively short time. Being dehydrated can sometimes enhance your jitters, so filling up on some good ole’ H2O will only help. Try drinking a glass of water for every cup of coffee you have. You’ll thank me later.
2. Exercise
You just crossed the caffeine line, which probably means you can’t sit still. Exercising will help metabolize the caffeine and get out all of that unwanted energy you’ve got bottled up! Try stretching, taking a brisk walk or going for a quick jog. All of these will improve the mind, body and soul.
3. Wait it out
Luckily, the effects of caffeine eventually go away on their own. There is always the option to practice breathing techniques while you’re just waiting it out! Typically, you’ll be feeling back to normal within a couple of hours, if you can wait that long.
4. Sip on some herbal tea
Herbal tea will neutralize the effects of caffeine on the body. With no caffeine, these magical beverages contain some pretty darn good health benefits, such as aiding in digestion, protecting cells and easing those nasty colds. Not to mention the therapeutic aspect as being an added benefit, too! Chamomile is a good one to try.
5. Amp up your vitamin C game
Moral of the story, whether you like your coffee hot or iced cold, remember to drink responsibly.

[Featured Image Source: Geoff Oliver via Unsplash]