How does coffee raise blood pressure?
LifestyleHow to maintain a healthy blood pressure level
It’s true. Coffee has a skyrocketing social value and many health benefits, making it the go-to beverage daily for a vast amount of the world. While we’re enjoying the swift kick in the pants it gives us bringing us to life every morning, caffeine also gives a ‘swift kick’ to our blood pressure immediately after consumption, regardless of your caffeine tolerance.
Here's how: Coffee stimulates the cardiovascular system, boosting the heart rate and raising blood pressure. However, it appears this only affects those who are not used to consuming coffee regularly and not those who are avid coffee drinkers. Habitual coffee drinkers tend to become acclimated to caffeine, resulting in only a point or two of elevated blood pressure, whereas people who only drink coffee every now and then, can expect a temporary, yet dramatic increase even when drinking decaf.
Don’t put down your coffee cup just yet. It’s no secret that our daily caffeine fix is part of a well-balanced diet. However, it’s important that this is not your main or only source of fluid. Make sure to keep hydrated with water to allow the caffeine boost to work in a more balanced manner.
There are a few ways you can keep your blood pressure at bay while still enjoying your cup of Joe.
1. Exercise more frequently.
Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can lower your blood pressure.
2. Relax.
Learning how to manage and eliminate stress in your life can help to decrease blood pressure. Although there is no one solution for everyone, choosing a healthy outlet that is most comfortable for you won’t do you any harm.
3. Eat less sodium.
Pay attention to the food labels when shopping and aim to prepare more fresh meals. Staying under 600 milligrams of sodium a day can lower blood pressure.
4. Eat more potassium.
Potassium has the opposite effect on blood pressure than sodium. Have a banana or some grapefruit with your coffee and enjoy a few extra sips while maintaining a healthy blood pressure level.
5. Cut back on caffeine.
Don’t worry, I would never tell you to get rid of coffee altogether, but limiting yourself to one to two caffeinated beverages per day can help to decrease the negative impact caffeine has on your health.
In short, coffee is important, but your health is key. Monitoring your blood pressure will allow you to keep track of how your choices affect your health. Sneaking in just one or two coffees a day is vital, but remember, everything in moderation.